Weekly Roundup: Top 5 Most Popular Posts

This week, our readers enjoyed some big news, including the great milestone of making Docker 1.12, Docker for Mac and Docker for Windows generally available for production environments, answers to the ten most often asked Docker questions and more. As we begin a new week, let’s recap our top 5 most-read stories for the week of July 24, 2016:

1. Docker 1.12 Goes GA: Docker 1.12 adds the largest and most sophisticated set of features into a single release since the beginning of the Docker project.
2. Docker for Mac and Windows: Native development environment using hypervisors built into each operating system. (No more VirtualBox!)
3. Docker Questions: The ten most common Docker questions (and answers) asked by IT Admins.
4. Function as a Service: The Function-as-a-Service model and how to generate a function from an image on Docker hub via Chanwit Kaewkasi
5. 12 Factor Method: Using the twelve factors application to Dockerize Apps via Rafael Gomes

Top 5 Docker Posts — July 24, 2016 via @DockerClick To Tweet

Quelle: https://blog.docker.com/feed/
