Advanced Scheduling in Kubernetes

Editor’s note: this post is part of a series of in-depth articles on what’s new in Kubernetes 1.6The Kubernetes scheduler’s default behavior works well for most cases — for example, it ensures that pods are only placed on that have sufficient free resources, it ties to spread pods from the same set (ReplicaSet, StatefulSet, etc.) across nodes, it tries to balance out the resource utilization of nodes, etc.But sometimes you want to control how your pods are scheduled. For example, perhaps you want to ensure that certain pods only schedule on nodes with specialized hardware, or you want to co-locate services that communicate frequently, or you want to dedicate a set of nodes to a particular set of users. Ultimately, you know much more about how your applications should be scheduled and deployed than Kubernetes ever will. So Kubernetes 1.6 offers four advanced scheduling features: node affinity/anti-affinity, taints and tolerations, pod affinity/anti-affinity, and custom schedulers. Each of these features are now in beta in Kubernetes 1.6.Node Affinity/Anti-AffinityNode Affinity/Anti-Affinity is one way to set rules on which nodes are selected by the scheduler. This feature is a generalization of the nodeSelector feature which has been in Kubernetes since version 1.0. The rules are defined using the familiar concepts of custom labels on nodes and selectors specified in pods, and they can be either required or preferred, depending on how strictly you want the scheduler to enforce them. Required rules must be met for a pod to schedule on a particular node. If no node matches the criteria (plus all of the other normal criteria, such as having enough free resources for the pod’s resource request), then the pod won’t be scheduled. Required rules are specified in the requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution field of nodeAffinity. For example, if we want to require scheduling on a node that is in the us-central1-a GCE zone of a multi-zone Kubernetes cluster, we can specify the following affinity rule as part of the Pod spec:affinity:  nodeAffinity:    requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:      nodeSelectorTerms:        – matchExpressions:          – key: “”            operator: In            values: [“us-central1-a”]“IgnoredDuringExecution” means that the pod will still run if labels on a node change and affinity rules are no longer met. There are future plans to offer requiredDuringSchedulingRequiredDuringExecution which will evict pods from nodes as soon as they don’t satisfy the node affinity rule(s).Preferred rules mean that if nodes match the rules, they will be chosen first, and only if no preferred nodes are available will non-preferred nodes be chosen. You can prefer instead of require that pods are deployed to us-central1-a by slightly changing the pod spec to use preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:affinity:  nodeAffinity:    preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:      nodeSelectorTerms:        – matchExpressions:          – key: “”            operator: In            values: [“us-central1-a”]Node anti-affinity can be achieved by using negative operators. So for instance if we want our pods to avoid us-central1-a we can do this:affinity:  nodeAffinity:    requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:      nodeSelectorTerms:        – matchExpressions:          – key: “”            operator: NotIn            values: [“us-central1-a”]Valid operators you can use are In, NotIn, Exists, DoesNotExist. Gt, and Lt.Additional use cases for this feature are to restrict scheduling based on nodes’ hardware architecture, operating system version, or specialized hardware. Node affinity/anti-affinity is beta in Kubernetes 1.6. Taints and TolerationsA related feature is “taints and tolerations,” which allows you to mark (“taint”) a node so that no pods can schedule onto it unless a pod explicitly “tolerates” the taint. Marking nodes instead of pods (as in node affinity/anti-affinity) is particularly useful for situations where most pods in the cluster should avoid scheduling onto the node. For example, you might want to mark your master node as schedulable only by Kubernetes system components, or dedicate a set of nodes to a particular group of users, or keep regular pods away from nodes that have special hardware so as to leave room for pods that need the special hardware.The kubectl command allows you to set taints on nodes, for example:kubectl taint nodes node1 key=value:NoSchedulecreates a taint that marks the node as unschedulable by any pods that do not have a toleration for taint with key key, value value, and effect NoSchedule. (The other taint effects are PreferNoSchedule, which is the preferred version of NoSchedule, and NoExecute, which means any pods that are running on the node when the taint is applied will be evicted unless they tolerate the taint.) The toleration you would add to a PodSpec to have the corresponding pod tolerate this taint would look like thistolerations: – key: “key”  operator: “Equal”  value: “value”  effect: “NoSchedule”In addition to moving taints and tolerations to beta in Kubernetes 1.6, we have introduced an alpha feature that uses taints and tolerations to allow you to customize how long a pod stays bound to a node when the node experiences a problem like a network partition instead of using the default five minutes. See this section of the documentation for more details.Pod Affinity/Anti-AffinityNode affinity/anti-affinity allows you to constrain which nodes a pod can run on based on the nodes’ labels. But what if you want to specify rules about how pods should be placed relative to one another, for example to spread or pack pods within a service or relative to pods in other services? For that you can use pod affinity/anti-affinity, which is also beta in Kubernetes 1.6.Let’s look at an example. Say you have front-ends in service S1, and they communicate frequently with back-ends that are in service S2 (a “north-south” communication pattern). So you want these two services to be co-located in the same cloud provider zone, but you don’t want to have to choose the zone manually–if the zone fails, you want the pods to be rescheduled to another (single) zone. You can specify this with a pod affinity rule that looks like this (assuming you give the pods of this service a label “service=S2” and the pods of the other service a label “service=S1”):affinity:    podAffinity:      requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:      – labelSelector:          matchExpressions:          – key: service            operator: In            values: [“S1”]        topologyKey: with node affinity/anti-affinity, there is also a preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution variant.Pod affinity/anti-affinity is very flexible. Imagine you have profiled the performance of your services and found that containers from service S1 interfere with containers from service S2 when they share the same node, perhaps due to cache interference effects or saturating the network link. Or maybe due to security concerns you never want containers of S1 and S2 to share a node. To implement these rules, just make two changes to the snippet above — change podAffinity to podAntiAffinity and change topologyKey to SchedulersIf the Kubernetes scheduler’s various features don’t give you enough control over the scheduling of your workloads, you can delegate responsibility for scheduling arbitrary subsets of pods to your own custom scheduler(s) that run(s) alongside, or instead of, the default Kubernetes scheduler. Multiple schedulers is beta in Kubernetes 1.6.Each new pod is normally scheduled by the default scheduler. But if you provide the name of your own custom scheduler, the default scheduler will ignore that Pod and allow your scheduler to schedule the Pod to a node. Let’s look at an example.Here we have a Pod where we specify the schedulerName field:apiVersion: v1kind: Podmetadata:  name: nginx  labels:    app: nginxspec:  schedulerName: my-scheduler  containers:  – name: nginx    image: nginx:1.10If we create this Pod without deploying a custom scheduler, the default scheduler will ignore it and it will remain in a Pending state. So we need a custom scheduler that looks for, and schedules, pods whose schedulerName field is my-scheduler.A custom scheduler can be written in any language and can be as simple or complex as you need. Here is a very simple example of a custom scheduler written in Bash that assigns a node randomly. Note that you need to run this along with kubectl proxy for it to work.#!/bin/bashSERVER=’localhost:8001’while true;do    for PODNAME in $(kubectl –server $SERVER get pods -o json | jq ‘.items[] | select(.spec.schedulerName == “my-scheduler”) | select(.spec.nodeName == null) |’ | tr -d ‘”‘);    do        NODES=($(kubectl –server $SERVER get nodes -o json | jq ‘.items[]’ | tr -d ‘”‘))        NUMNODES=${NODES[@]}        CHOSEN=${NODES[$[ $RANDOM % $NUMNODES ]]}        curl –header “Content-Type:application/json” –request POST –data ‘{“apiVersion”:”v1″, “kind”: “Binding”, “metadata”: {“name”: “‘$PODNAME'”}, “target”: {“apiVersion”: “v1″, “kind”: “Node”, “name”: “‘$CHOSEN'”}}’ http://$SERVER/api/v1/namespaces/default/pods/$PODNAME/binding/        echo “Assigned $PODNAME to $CHOSEN”    done    sleep 1doneLearn moreThe Kubernetes 1.6 release notes have more information about these features, including details about how to change your configurations if you are already using the alpha version of one or more of these features (this is required, as the move from alpha to beta is a breaking change for these features).AcknowledgementsThe features described here, both in their alpha and beta forms, were a true community effort, involving engineers from Google, Huawei, IBM, Red Hat and more.Get InvolvedShare your voice at our weekly community meeting: Post questions (or answer questions) on Stack Overflow Follow us on Twitter @Kubernetesio for latest updatesConnect with the community on Slack (room -scheduling)Many thanks for your contributions.–Ian Lewis, Developer Advocate, and David Oppenheimer, Software Engineer, Google
Quelle: kubernetes

A Stronger Foundation for Creating and Managing Kubernetes Clusters

Editor’s note: Today’s post is by Lucas Käldström an independent Kubernetes maintainer and -Cluster-Lifecycle member, sharing what the group has been building and what’s upcoming. Last time you heard from us was in September, when we announced . The work on making kubeadm a first-class citizen in the Kubernetes ecosystem has continued and evolved. Some of us also met before KubeCon and had a very productive meeting where we talked about what the scopes for our SIG, kubeadm, and kops are. Continuing to Define SIG-Cluster-LifecycleWhat is the scope for kubeadm?We want kubeadm to be a common set of building blocks for all Kubernetes deployments; the piece that provides secure and recommended ways to bootstrap Kubernetes. Since there is no one true way to setup Kubernetes, kubeadm will support more than one method for each phase. We want to identify the phases every deployment of Kubernetes has in common and make configurable and easy-to-use kubeadm commands for those phases. If your organization, for example, requires that you distribute the certificates in the cluster manually or in a custom way, skip using kubeadm just for that phase. We aim to keep kubeadm useable for all other phases in that case. We want you to be able to pick which things you want kubeadm to do and let you do the rest yourself.Therefore, the scope for kubeadm is to be easily extendable, modular and very easy to use. Right now, with this v1.5 release we have, kubeadm can only do the “full meal deal” for you. In future versions that will change as kubeadm becomes more componentized, while still leaving the opportunity to do everything for you. But kubeadm will still only handle the bootstrapping of Kubernetes; it won’t ever handle provisioning of machines for you since that can be done in many more ways. In addition, we want kubeadm to work everywhere, even on multiple architectures, therefore we built in multi-architecture support from the beginning.What is the scope for kops?The scope for kops is to automate full cluster operations: installation, reconfiguration of your cluster, upgrading kubernetes, and eventual cluster deletion. kops has a rich configuration model based on the Kubernetes API Machinery, so you can easily customize some parameters to your needs. kops (unlike kubeadm) handles provisioning of resources for you. kops aims to be the ultimate out-of-the-box experience on AWS (and perhaps other providers in the future). In the future kops will be adopting more and more of kubeadm for the bootstrapping phases that exist. This will move some of the complexity inside kops to a central place in the form of kubeadm.What is the scope for SIG-Cluster-Lifecycle?The SIG-Cluster-Lifecycle actively tries to simplify the Kubernetes installation and management story. This is accomplished by modifying Kubernetes itself in many cases, and factoring out common tasks. We are also trying to address common problems in the cluster lifecycle (like the name says!). We maintain and are responsible for kubeadm and kops. We discuss problems with the current way to bootstrap clusters on AWS (and beyond) and try to make it easier. We hangout on Slack in the sig-cluster-lifecycle and kubeadm channels. We meet and discuss current topics once a week on Zoom. Feel free to come and say hi! Also, don’t be shy to contribute; we’d love your comments and insight!Looking forward to v1.6Our goals for v1.6 are centered around refactoring, stabilization and security. First and foremost, we want to get kubeadm and its composable configuration experience to beta. We will refactor kubeadm so each phase in the bootstrap process is invokable separately. We want to bring the TLS Bootstrap API, the Certificates API and the ComponentConfig API to beta, and to get kops (and other tools) using them. We will also graduate the token discovery we’re using now (aka. the image) to beta by adding a new controller to the controller manager: the BootstrapSigner. Using tokens managed as Secrets, that controller will sign the contents (a kubeconfig file) of a well known ConfigMap in a new kube-public namespace. This object will be available to unauthenticated users in order to enable a secure bootstrap with a simple and short shared token.You can read the full proposal here.In addition to making it possible to invoke phases separately, we will also add a new phase for bringing up the control plane in a self-hosted mode (as opposed to the current static pod technique). The self-hosted technique was developed by CoreOS in the form of bootkube, and will now be incorporated as an alternative into an official Kubernetes product. Thanks to CoreOS for pushing that paradigm forward! This will be done by first setting up a temporary control plane with static pods, injecting the Deployments, ConfigMaps and DaemonSets as necessary, and lastly turning down the temporary control plane. For now, etcd will still be in a static pod by default. We are supporting self hosting, initially, because we want to support doing patch release upgrades with kubeadm. It should be easy to upgrade from v1.6.2 to v1.6.4 for instance. We consider the built-in upgrade support a critical capability for a real cluster lifecycle tool. It will still be possible to upgrade without self-hosting but it will require more manual work.On the stabilization front, we want to start running kubeadm e2e tests. In this v1.5 timeframe, we added unit tests and we will continue to increase that coverage. We want to expand this to per-PR e2e tests as well that spin up a cluster with kubeadm init and kubeadm join; runs some kubeadm-specific tests and optionally the Conformance test suite.Finally, on the security front, we also want to kubeadm to be as secure as possible by default. We look to enable RBAC for v1.6, lock down what kubelet and built-in services like kube-dns and kube-proxy can do, and maybe create specific user accounts that have different permissions.Regarding releasing, we want to have the official kubeadm v1.6 binary in the kubernetes v1.6 tarball. This means syncing our release with the official one. More details on what we’ve done so far can be found here. As it becomes possible, we aim to move the kubeadm code out to the kubernetes/kubeadm repo (This is blocked on some Kubernetes code-specific infrastructure issues that may take some time to resolve.)Nice-to-haves for v1.6 would include an official CoreOS Container Linux installer container that does what the debs/rpms are doing for Ubuntu/CentOS. In general, it would be nice to extend the distro support. We also want to adopt Kubelet Dynamic Settings so configuration passed to kubeadm init flows down to nodes automatically (it requires manual configuration currently). We want it to be possible to test Kubernetes from HEAD by using kubeadm.Through 2017 and beyondApart from everything mentioned above, we want kubeadm to simply be a production grade (GA) tool you can use for bootstrapping a Kubernetes cluster. We want HA/multi-master to be much easier to achieve generally than it is now across platforms (though kops makes this easy on AWS today!). We want cloud providers to be out-of-tree and installable separately. kubectl apply -f my-cloud-provider-here.yaml should just work. The documentation should be more robust and should go deeper. Container Runtime Interface (CRI) and Federation should work well with kubeadm. Outdated getting started guides should be removed so new users aren’t mislead.Refactoring the cloud provider integration pluginsRight now, the cloud provider integrations are built into the controller-manager, the kubelet and the API Server. This combined with the ever-growing interest for Kubernetes makes it unmaintainable to have the cloud provider integrations compiled into the core. Features that are clearly vendor-specific should not be a part of the core Kubernetes project, rather available as an addon from third party vendors. Everything cloud-specific should be moved into one controller, or a few if there’s need. This controller will be maintained by a third-party (usually the company behind the integration) and will implement cloud-specific features. This migration from in-core to out-of-core is disruptive yes, but it has very good side effects: leaner core, making it possible for more than the seven existing clouds to be integrated with Kubernetes and much easier installation. For example, you could run the cloud controller binary in a Deployment and install it with kubectl apply easily.The plan for v1.6 is to make it possible to:Create and run out-of-core cloud provider integration controllersShip a new and temporary binary in the Kubernetes release: the cloud-controller-manager. This binary will include the seven existing cloud providers and will serve as a way of validating, testing and migrating to the new flow.In a future release (v1.9 is proposed), the `–cloud-provider` flag will stop working, and the temporary cloud-controller-manager binary won’t be shipped anymore. Instead, a repository called something like kubernetes/cloud-providers will serve as a place for officially-validated cloud providers to evolve and exist, but all providers there will be independent to each other. (issue ; proposal ; code .)Changelogs from v1.4 to v1.5kubeadm v1.5 is a stabilization release for kubeadm. We’ve worked on making kubeadm more user-friendly, transparent and stable. Some new features have been added making it more configurable.Here’s a very short extract of what’s changed:Made the console output of kubeadm cleaner and more user-friendly kubeadm reset and to drain and cleanup a node and checks implementation that fails fast if the environment is invalid and logs and kubectl exec can now be used with kubeadm a lot of other improvements, please read the full changelog.kopsHere’s a short extract of what’s changed:Support for CNI network plugins (Weave, Calico, private deployments, where nodes and masters do not have public IPsImproved rolling update of clusters, in particular of HA clustersOS support for CentOS / RHEL / Ubuntu along with Debian, and support for sysdig & perf toolsGo and check out the kops releases page in order to get information about the latest and greatest kops release.SummaryIn short, we’re excited on the roadmap ahead in bringing a lot of these improvements to you in the coming releases. Which we hope will make the experience to start much easier and lead to increased adoption of Kubernetes.Thank you for all the feedback and contributions. I hope this has given you some insight in what we’re doing and encouraged you to join us at our meetings to say hi!– Lucas Käldström, Independent Kubernetes maintainer and SIG-Cluster-Lifecycle member
Quelle: kubernetes

A Stronger Foundation for Creating and Managing Kubernetes Clusters

Editor’s note: Today’s post is by Lucas Käldström an independent Kubernetes maintainer and -Cluster-Lifecycle member, sharing what the group has been building and what’s upcoming. Last time you heard from us was in September, when we announced . The work on making kubeadm a first-class citizen in the Kubernetes ecosystem has continued and evolved. Some of us also met before KubeCon and had a very productive meeting where we talked about what the scopes for our SIG, kubeadm, and kops are. Continuing to Define SIG-Cluster-LifecycleWhat is the scope for kubeadm?We want kubeadm to be a common set of building blocks for all Kubernetes deployments; the piece that provides secure and recommended ways to bootstrap Kubernetes. Since there is no one true way to setup Kubernetes, kubeadm will support more than one method for each phase. We want to identify the phases every deployment of Kubernetes has in common and make configurable and easy-to-use kubeadm commands for those phases. If your organization, for example, requires that you distribute the certificates in the cluster manually or in a custom way, skip using kubeadm just for that phase. We aim to keep kubeadm useable for all other phases in that case. We want you to be able to pick which things you want kubeadm to do and let you do the rest yourself.Therefore, the scope for kubeadm is to be easily extendable, modular and very easy to use. Right now, with this v1.5 release we have, kubeadm can only do the “full meal deal” for you. In future versions that will change as kubeadm becomes more componentized, while still leaving the opportunity to do everything for you. But kubeadm will still only handle the bootstrapping of Kubernetes; it won’t ever handle provisioning of machines for you since that can be done in many more ways. In addition, we want kubeadm to work everywhere, even on multiple architectures, therefore we built in multi-architecture support from the beginning.What is the scope for kops?The scope for kops is to automate full cluster operations: installation, reconfiguration of your cluster, upgrading kubernetes, and eventual cluster deletion. kops has a rich configuration model based on the Kubernetes API Machinery, so you can easily customize some parameters to your needs. kops (unlike kubeadm) handles provisioning of resources for you. kops aims to be the ultimate out-of-the-box experience on AWS (and perhaps other providers in the future). In the future kops will be adopting more and more of kubeadm for the bootstrapping phases that exist. This will move some of the complexity inside kops to a central place in the form of kubeadm.What is the scope for SIG-Cluster-Lifecycle?The SIG-Cluster-Lifecycle actively tries to simplify the Kubernetes installation and management story. This is accomplished by modifying Kubernetes itself in many cases, and factoring out common tasks. We are also trying to address common problems in the cluster lifecycle (like the name says!). We maintain and are responsible for kubeadm and kops. We discuss problems with the current way to bootstrap clusters on AWS (and beyond) and try to make it easier. We hangout on Slack in the sig-cluster-lifecycle and kubeadm channels. We meet and discuss current topics once a week on Zoom. Feel free to come and say hi! Also, don’t be shy to contribute; we’d love your comments and insight!Looking forward to v1.6Our goals for v1.6 are centered around refactoring, stabilization and security. First and foremost, we want to get kubeadm and its composable configuration experience to beta. We will refactor kubeadm so each phase in the bootstrap process is invokable separately. We want to bring the TLS Bootstrap API, the Certificates API and the ComponentConfig API to beta, and to get kops (and other tools) using them. We will also graduate the token discovery we’re using now (aka. the image) to beta by adding a new controller to the controller manager: the BootstrapSigner. Using tokens managed as Secrets, that controller will sign the contents (a kubeconfig file) of a well known ConfigMap in a new kube-public namespace. This object will be available to unauthenticated users in order to enable a secure bootstrap with a simple and short shared token.You can read the full proposal here.In addition to making it possible to invoke phases separately, we will also add a new phase for bringing up the control plane in a self-hosted mode (as opposed to the current static pod technique). The self-hosted technique was developed by CoreOS in the form of bootkube, and will now be incorporated as an alternative into an official Kubernetes product. Thanks to CoreOS for pushing that paradigm forward! This will be done by first setting up a temporary control plane with static pods, injecting the Deployments, ConfigMaps and DaemonSets as necessary, and lastly turning down the temporary control plane. For now, etcd will still be in a static pod by default. We are supporting self hosting, initially, because we want to support doing patch release upgrades with kubeadm. It should be easy to upgrade from v1.6.2 to v1.6.4 for instance. We consider the built-in upgrade support a critical capability for a real cluster lifecycle tool. It will still be possible to upgrade without self-hosting but it will require more manual work.On the stabilization front, we want to start running kubeadm e2e tests. In this v1.5 timeframe, we added unit tests and we will continue to increase that coverage. We want to expand this to per-PR e2e tests as well that spin up a cluster with kubeadm init and kubeadm join; runs some kubeadm-specific tests and optionally the Conformance test suite.Finally, on the security front, we also want to kubeadm to be as secure as possible by default. We look to enable RBAC for v1.6, lock down what kubelet and built-in services like kube-dns and kube-proxy can do, and maybe create specific user accounts that have different permissions.Regarding releasing, we want to have the official kubeadm v1.6 binary in the kubernetes v1.6 tarball. This means syncing our release with the official one. More details on what we’ve done so far can be found here. As it becomes possible, we aim to move the kubeadm code out to the kubernetes/kubeadm repo (This is blocked on some Kubernetes code-specific infrastructure issues that may take some time to resolve.)Nice-to-haves for v1.6 would include an official CoreOS Container Linux installer container that does what the debs/rpms are doing for Ubuntu/CentOS. In general, it would be nice to extend the distro support. We also want to adopt Kubelet Dynamic Settings so configuration passed to kubeadm init flows down to nodes automatically (it requires manual configuration currently). We want it to be possible to test Kubernetes from HEAD by using kubeadm.Through 2017 and beyondApart from everything mentioned above, we want kubeadm to simply be a production grade (GA) tool you can use for bootstrapping a Kubernetes cluster. We want HA/multi-master to be much easier to achieve generally than it is now across platforms (though kops makes this easy on AWS today!). We want cloud providers to be out-of-tree and installable separately. kubectl apply -f my-cloud-provider-here.yaml should just work. The documentation should be more robust and should go deeper. Container Runtime Interface (CRI) and Federation should work well with kubeadm. Outdated getting started guides should be removed so new users aren’t mislead.Refactoring the cloud provider integration pluginsRight now, the cloud provider integrations are built into the controller-manager, the kubelet and the API Server. This combined with the ever-growing interest for Kubernetes makes it unmaintainable to have the cloud provider integrations compiled into the core. Features that are clearly vendor-specific should not be a part of the core Kubernetes project, rather available as an addon from third party vendors. Everything cloud-specific should be moved into one controller, or a few if there’s need. This controller will be maintained by a third-party (usually the company behind the integration) and will implement cloud-specific features. This migration from in-core to out-of-core is disruptive yes, but it has very good side effects: leaner core, making it possible for more than the seven existing clouds to be integrated with Kubernetes and much easier installation. For example, you could run the cloud controller binary in a Deployment and install it with kubectl apply easily.The plan for v1.6 is to make it possible to:Create and run out-of-core cloud provider integration controllersShip a new and temporary binary in the Kubernetes release: the cloud-controller-manager. This binary will include the seven existing cloud providers and will serve as a way of validating, testing and migrating to the new flow.In a future release (v1.9 is proposed), the `–cloud-provider` flag will stop working, and the temporary cloud-controller-manager binary won’t be shipped anymore. Instead, a repository called something like kubernetes/cloud-providers will serve as a place for officially-validated cloud providers to evolve and exist, but all providers there will be independent to each other. (issue ; proposal ; code .)Changelogs from v1.4 to v1.5kubeadm v1.5 is a stabilization release for kubeadm. We’ve worked on making kubeadm more user-friendly, transparent and stable. Some new features have been added making it more configurable.Here’s a very short extract of what’s changed:Made the console output of kubeadm cleaner and more user-friendly kubeadm reset and to drain and cleanup a node and checks implementation that fails fast if the environment is invalid and logs and kubectl exec can now be used with kubeadm a lot of other improvements, please read the full changelog.kopsHere’s a short extract of what’s changed:Support for CNI network plugins (Weave, Calico, private deployments, where nodes and masters do not have public IPsImproved rolling update of clusters, in particular of HA clustersOS support for CentOS / RHEL / Ubuntu along with Debian, and support for sysdig & perf toolsGo and check out the kops releases page in order to get information about the latest and greatest kops release.SummaryIn short, we’re excited on the roadmap ahead in bringing a lot of these improvements to you in the coming releases. Which we hope will make the experience to start much easier and lead to increased adoption of Kubernetes.Thank you for all the feedback and contributions. I hope this has given you some insight in what we’re doing and encouraged you to join us at our meetings to say hi!– Lucas Käldström, Independent Kubernetes maintainer and SIG-Cluster-Lifecycle member
Quelle: kubernetes

Kubernetes UX Survey Infographic

Editor’s note: Today’s post is by Dan Romlein, UX Designer at Apprenda and member of the -UI, sharing UX survey results from the Kubernetes community. The following infographic summarizes the findings of a survey that the team behind Dashboard, the official web UI for Kubernetes, sent during KubeCon in November 2016. Following the KubeCon launch of the survey, it was promoted on Twitter and various Slack channels over a two week period and generated over 100 responses. We’re delighted with the data it provides us to now make feature and roadmap decisions more in-line with the needs of you, our users.Satisfaction with DashboardLess than a year old, Dashboard is still very early in its development and we realize it has a long way to go, but it was encouraging to hear it’s tracking on the axis of MVP and even with its basic feature set is adding value for people. Respondents indicated that they like how quickly the Dashboard project is moving forward and the activity level of its contributors. Specific appreciation was given for the value Dashboard brings to first-time Kubernetes users and encouraging exploration. Frustration voiced around Dashboard centered on its limited capabilities: notably, the lack of RBAC and limited visualization of cluster objects and their relationships.Respondent DemographicsKubernetes UsagePeople are using Dashboard in production, which is fantastic; it’s that setting that the team is focused on optimizing for.Feature PriorityIn building Dashboard, we want to continually make alignments between the needs of Kubernetes users and our product. Feature areas have intentionally been kept as high-level as possible, so that UX designers on the Dashboard team can creatively transform those use cases into specific features. While there’s nothing wrong with “faster horses”, we want to make sure we’re creating an environment for the best possible innovation to flourish.Troubleshooting & Debugging as a strong frontrunner in requested feature area is consistent with the previous KubeCon survey, and this is now our top area of investment. Currently in-progress is the ability to be able to exec into a Pod, and next up will be providing aggregated logs views across objects. One of a UI’s strengths over a CLI is its ability to show things, and the troubleshooting and debugging feature area is a prime application of this capability.In addition to a continued ongoing investment in troubleshooting and debugging functionality, the other focus of the Dashboard team’s efforts currently is RBAC / IAM within Dashboard. Though on the ranking of feature areas, In various conversations at KubeCon and the days following, this emerged as a top-requested feature of Dashboard, and the one people were most passionate about. This is a deal-breaker for many companies, and we’re confident its enablement will open many doors for Dashboard’s use in production.ConclusionIt’s invaluable to have data from Kubernetes users on how they’re putting Dashboard to use and how well it’s serving their needs. If you missed the survey response window but still have something you’d like to share, we’d love to connect with you and hear feedback or answer questions: Email us at the SIG-UI mailing listChat with us on the Kubernetes Slack SIG-UI channelJoin our weekly meetings at 4PM CEST. See the SIG-UI calendar for details.
Quelle: kubernetes

Introducing Container Runtime Interface (CRI) in Kubernetes

Editor’s note: this post is part of a series of in-depth articles on what’s new in Kubernetes 1.5At the lowest layers of a Kubernetes node is the software that, among other things, starts and stops containers. We call this the “Container Runtime”. The most widely known container runtime is Docker, but it is not alone in this space. In fact, the container runtime space has been rapidly evolving. As part of the effort to make Kubernetes more extensible, we’ve been working on a new plugin API for container runtimes in Kubernetes, called “CRI”.What is the CRI and why does Kubernetes need it?Each container runtime has it own strengths, and many users have asked for Kubernetes to support more runtimes. In the Kubernetes 1.5 release, we are proud to introduce the Container Runtime Interface (CRI) — a plugin interface which enables kubelet to use a wide variety of container runtimes, without the need to recompile. CRI consists of a protocol buffers and gRPC API, and libraries, with additional specifications and tools under active development. CRI is being released as Alpha in Kubernetes 1.5.Supporting interchangeable container runtimes is not a new concept in Kubernetes. In the 1.3 release, we announced the rktnetes project to enable rkt container engine as an alternative to the Docker container runtime. However, both Docker and rkt were integrated directly and deeply into the kubelet source code through an internal and volatile interface. Such an integration process requires a deep understanding of Kubelet internals and incurs significant maintenance overhead to the Kubernetes community. These factors form high barriers to entry for nascent container runtimes. By providing a clearly-defined abstraction layer, we eliminate the barriers and allow developers to focus on building their container runtimes. This is a small, yet important step towards truly enabling pluggable container runtimes and building a healthier ecosystem.Overview of CRIKubelet communicates with the container runtime (or a CRI shim for the runtime) over Unix sockets using the gRPC framework, where kubelet acts as a client and the CRI shim as the server.The protocol buffers API includes two gRPC services, ImageService, and RuntimeService. The ImageService provides RPCs to pull an image from a repository, inspect, and remove an image. The RuntimeService contains RPCs to manage the lifecycle of the pods and containers, as well as calls to interact with containers (exec/attach/port-forward). A monolithic container runtime that manages both images and containers (e.g., Docker and rkt) can provide both services simultaneously with a single socket. The sockets can be set in Kubelet by –container-runtime-endpoint and –image-service-endpoint flags.Pod and container lifecycle managementservice RuntimeService {    // Sandbox operations.    rpc RunPodSandbox(RunPodSandboxRequest) returns (RunPodSandboxResponse) {}    rpc StopPodSandbox(StopPodSandboxRequest) returns (StopPodSandboxResponse) {}    rpc RemovePodSandbox(RemovePodSandboxRequest) returns (RemovePodSandboxResponse) {}    rpc PodSandboxStatus(PodSandboxStatusRequest) returns (PodSandboxStatusResponse) {}    rpc ListPodSandbox(ListPodSandboxRequest) returns (ListPodSandboxResponse) {}    // Container operations.    rpc CreateContainer(CreateContainerRequest) returns (CreateContainerResponse) {}    rpc StartContainer(StartContainerRequest) returns (StartContainerResponse) {}    rpc StopContainer(StopContainerRequest) returns (StopContainerResponse) {}    rpc RemoveContainer(RemoveContainerRequest) returns (RemoveContainerResponse) {}    rpc ListContainers(ListContainersRequest) returns (ListContainersResponse) {}    rpc ContainerStatus(ContainerStatusRequest) returns (ContainerStatusResponse) {}    …}A Pod is composed of a group of application containers in an isolated environment with resource constraints. In CRI, this environment is called PodSandbox. We intentionally leave some room for the container runtimes to interpret the PodSandbox differently based on how they operate internally. For hypervisor-based runtimes, PodSandbox might represent a virtual machine. For others, such as Docker, it might be Linux namespaces. The PodSandbox must respect the pod resources specifications. In the v1alpha1 API, this is achieved by launching all the processes within the pod-level cgroup that kubelet creates and passes to the runtime.Before starting a pod, kubelet calls RuntimeService.RunPodSandbox to create the environment. This includes setting up networking for a pod (e.g., allocating an IP). Once the PodSandbox is active, individual containers can be created/started/stopped/removed independently. To delete the pod, kubelet will stop and remove containers before stopping and removing the PodSandbox.Kubelet is responsible for managing the lifecycles of the containers through the RPCs, exercising the container lifecycles hooks and liveness/readiness checks, while adhering to the restart policy of the pod.Why an imperative container-centric interface?Kubernetes has a declarative API with a Pod resource. One possible design we considered was for CRI to reuse the declarative Pod object in its abstraction, giving the container runtime freedom to implement and exercise its own control logic to achieve the desired state. This would have greatly simplified the API and allowed CRI to work with a wider spectrum of runtimes. We discussed this approach early in the design phase and decided against it for several reasons. First, there are many Pod-level features and specific mechanisms (e.g., the crash-loop backoff logic) in kubelet that would be a significant burden for all runtimes to reimplement. Second, and more importantly, the Pod specification was (and is) still evolving rapidly. Many of the new features (e.g., init containers) would not require any changes to the underlying container runtimes, as long as the kubelet manages containers directly. CRI adopts an imperative container-level interface so that runtimes can share these common features for better development velocity. This doesn’t mean we’re deviating from the “level triggered” philosophy – kubelet is responsible for ensuring that the actual state is driven towards the declared state.Exec/attach/port-forward requestsservice RuntimeService {    …    // ExecSync runs a command in a container synchronously.    rpc ExecSync(ExecSyncRequest) returns (ExecSyncResponse) {}    // Exec prepares a streaming endpoint to execute a command in the container.    rpc Exec(ExecRequest) returns (ExecResponse) {}    // Attach prepares a streaming endpoint to attach to a running container.    rpc Attach(AttachRequest) returns (AttachResponse) {}    // PortForward prepares a streaming endpoint to forward ports from a PodSandbox.    rpc PortForward(PortForwardRequest) returns (PortForwardResponse) {}    …}Kubernetes provides features (e.g. kubectl exec/attach/port-forward) for users to interact with a pod and the containers in it. Kubelet today supports these features either by invoking the container runtime’s native method calls or by using the tools available on the node (e.g., nsenter and socat). Using tools on the node is not a portable solution because most tools assume the pod is isolated using Linux namespaces. In CRI, we explicitly define these calls in the API to allow runtime-specific implementations.Another potential issue with the kubelet implementation today is that kubelet handles the connection of all streaming requests, so it can become a bottleneck for the network traffic on the node. When designing CRI, we incorporated this feedback to allow runtimes to eliminate the middleman. The container runtime can start a separate streaming server upon request (and can potentially account the resource usage to the pod!), and return the location of the server to kubelet. Kubelet then returns this information to the Kubernetes API server, which opens a streaming connection directly to the runtime-provided server and connects it to the client.There are many other aspects of CRI that are not covered in this blog post. Please see the list of design docs and proposals for all the details.Current statusAlthough CRI is still in its early stages, there are already several projects under development to integrate container runtimes using CRI. Below are a few examples:cri-o: OCI conformant runtimes.rktlet: the rkt container runtime.frakti: hypervisor-based container runtimes.docker CRI shim.If you are interested in trying these alternative runtimes, you can follow the individual repositories for the latest progress and instructions. For developers interested in integrating a new container runtime, please see the developer guide for the known limitations and issues of the API. We are actively incorporating feedback from early developers to improve the API. Developers should expect occasional API breaking changes (it is Alpha, after all).Try the new CRI-Docker integrationKubelet does not yet use CRI by default, but we are actively working on making this happen. The first step is to re-integrate Docker with kubelet using CRI. In the 1.5 release, we extended kubelet to support CRI, and also added a built-in CRI shim for Docker. This allows kubelet to start the gRPC server on Docker’s behalf. To try out the new kubelet-CRI-Docker integration, you simply have to start the Kubernetes API server with –feature-gates=StreamingProxyRedirects=true to enable the new streaming redirect feature, and then start the kubelet with –experimental-cri=true.Besides a few missing features, the new integration has consistently passed the main end-to-end tests. We plan to expand the test coverage soon and would like to encourage the community to report any issues to help with the transition.CRI with MinikubeIf you want to try out the new integration, but don’t have the time to spin up a new test cluster in the cloud yet, minikube is a great tool to quickly spin up a local cluster. Before you start, follow the instructions to download and install minikube.1. Check the available Kubernetes versions and pick the latest 1.5.x version available. We will use v1.5.0-beta.1 as an example.$ minikube get-k8s-versions2. Start a minikube cluster with the built-in docker CRI integration.$ minikube start –kubernetes-version=v1.5.0-beta.1 –extra-config=kubelet.EnableCRI=true –network-plugin=kubenet –extra-config=kubelet.PodCIDR= –iso-url=–extra-config=kubelet.EnableCRI=true` turns on the CRI implementation in kubelet. –network-plugin=kubenet and –extra-config=kubelet.PodCIDR=  sets the network plugin to kubenet and ensures a PodCIDR is assigned to the node.  Alternatively, you can use the cni plugin which does not rely on the PodCIDR. –iso-url sets an iso image for minikube to launch the node with. The image used in the example 3. Check the minikube log to check that CRI is enabled.$ minikube logs | grep EnableCRII1209 01:48:51.150789    3226 localkube.go:116] Setting EnableCRI to true on kubelet.4. Create a pod and check its status. You should see a “SandboxReceived” event as a proof that Kubelet is using CRI!$ kubectl run foo – “foo” created$ kubectl describe pod foo…… From                Type   Reason          Message… —————–   —–  ————— —————————–…{default-scheduler } Normal Scheduled       Successfully assigned foo-141968229-v1op9 to minikube…{kubelet minikube}   Normal SandboxReceived Pod sandbox received, it will be created….Note that kubectl attach/exec/port-forward does not work with CRI enabled in minikube yet, but this will be addressed in the newer version of minikube. CommunityCRI is being actively developed and maintained by the Kubernetes -Node community. We’d love to hear feedback from you. To join the community:Post issues or feature requests on GitHubJoin the sig-node channel on SlackSubscribe to the SIG-Node mailing listFollow us on Twitter @Kubernetesio for latest updates–Yu-Ju Hong, Software Engineer, Google
Quelle: kubernetes

How we improved Kubernetes Dashboard UI in 1.4 for your production needs​

With the release of Kubernetes 1.4 last week, Dashboard – the official web UI for Kubernetes – has a number of exciting updates and improvements of its own. The past three months have been busy ones for the Dashboard team, and we’re excited to share the resulting features of that effort here. If you’re not familiar with Dashboard, the GitHub repo is a great place to get started.A quick recap before unwrapping our shiny new features: Dashboard was initially released March 2016. One of the focuses for Dashboard throughout its lifetime has been the onboarding experience; it’s a less intimidating way for Kubernetes newcomers to get started, and by showing multiple resources at once, it provides contextualization lacking in kubectl (the CLI). After that initial release though, the product team realized that fine-tuning for a beginner audience was getting ahead of ourselves: there were still fundamental product requirements that Dashboard needed to satisfy in order to have a productive UX to onboard new users too. That became our mission for this release: closing the gap between Dashboard and kubectl by showing more resources, leveraging a web UI’s strengths in monitoring and troubleshooting, and architecting this all in a user friendly way.Monitoring GraphsReal time visualization is a strength that UI’s have over CLI’s, and with 1.4 we’re happy to capitalize on that capability with the introduction of real-time CPU and memory usage graphs for all workloads running on your cluster. Even with the numerous third-party solutions for monitoring, Dashboard should include at least some basic out-of-the box functionality in this area. Next up on the roadmap for graphs is extending the timespan the graph represents, adding drill-down capabilities to reveal more details, and improving the UX of correlating data between different graphs.LogsBased on user research with Kubernetes’ predecessor Borg and continued community feedback, we know logs are tremendously important to users. For this reason we’re constantly looking for ways to improve these features in Dashboard. This release includes a fix for an issue wherein large numbers of logs would crash the system, as well as the introduction of the ability to view logs by date.Showing More ResourcesThe previous release brought all workloads to Dashboard: Pods, Pet Sets, Daemon Sets, Replication Controllers, Replica Set, Services, & Deployments. With 1.4, we expand upon that set of objects by including Services, Ingresses, Persistent Volume Claims, Secrets, & Config Maps. We’ve also introduced an “Admin” section with the Namespace-independent global objects of Namespaces, Nodes, and Persistent Volumes. With the addition of roles, these will be shown only to cluster operators, and developers’ side nav will begin with the Namespace dropdown.Like glue binding together a loose stack of papers into a book, we needed some way to impose order on these resources for their value to be realized, so one of the features we’re most excited to announce in 1.4 is navigation.NavigationIn 1.1, all resources were simply stacked on top of each other in a single page. The introduction of a side nav provides quick access to any aspect of your cluster you’d like to check out. Arriving at this solution meant a lot of time put toward thinking about the hierarchy of Kubernetes objects – a difficult task since by design things fit together more like a living organism than a nested set of linear relationships. The solution we’ve arrived at balances the organizational need for grouping and desire to retain a bird’s-eye view of as much relevant information as possible. The design of the side nav is simple and flexible, in order to accommodate more resources in the future. Its top level objects (e.g. “Workloads”, “Services and Discovery”) roll up their child objects and will eventually include aggregated data for said objects.Closer Alignment with Material DesignDashboard follows Google’s Material design system, and the implementation of those principles is refined in the new UI: the global create options have been reduced from two choices to one initial “Create” button, the official Kubernetes logo is displayed as an SVG rather than simply as text, and cards were introduced to help better group different types of content (e.g. a table of Replication Controllers and a table of Pods on your “Workloads” page). Material’s guidelines around desktop-focused enterprise-level software are currently limited (and instead focus on a mobile-first context), so we’ve had to improvise with some aspects of the UI and have worked closely with the UX team at Google Cloud Platform to do this – drawing on their expertise in implementing Material in a more information-dense setting.Sample Use CaseTo showcase Dashboard 1.4’s new suite of features and how they’ll make users’ lives better in the real world, let’s imagine the following scenario:I am a cluster operator and a customer pings me warning that their app, Kubernetes Dashboard, is suffering performance issues. My first step in addressing the issue is to switch to the correct Namespace, kube-system, to examine what could be going on. Once in the relevant Namespace, I check out my Deployments to see if anything seems awry. Sure enough, I notice a spike in CPU usage. I realize we need to perform a rolling update to a newer version of that app that can handle the increased requests it’s evidently getting, so I update this Deployment’s image, which in turn creates a new Replica Set. Now that that Replica Set’s been created, I can open the logs for one of its pods to confirm that it’s been successfully connected to the API server. Easy as that, we’ve debugged our issue. Dashboard provided us a centralized location to scan for the origin of the problem, and once we had that identified we were able to drill down and address the root of the problem.Why the Skipped Versions?If you’ve been following along with Dashboard since 1.0,  you may have been confused by the jump in our versioning; we went 1.0, 1.1…1.4. We did this to synchronize with the main Kubernetes distro, and hopefully going forward this will make that relationship easier to understand.There’s a Lot More Where That Came FromDashboard is gaining momentum, and these early stages are a very exciting and rewarding time to be involved. If you’d like to learn more about contributing, check out UI. Chat with us Kubernetes Slack: sig-ui channel.–Dan Romlein, UX designer, ApprendaDownload KubernetesGet involved with the Kubernetes project on GitHub Post questions (or answer questions) on Stack Overflow Connect with the community on SlackFollow us on Twitter @Kubernetesio for latest updates
Quelle: kubernetes

How we improved Kubernetes Dashboard UI in 1.4 for your production needs​

With the release of Kubernetes 1.4 last week, Dashboard – the official web UI for Kubernetes – has a number of exciting updates and improvements of its own. The past three months have been busy ones for the Dashboard team, and we’re excited to share the resulting features of that effort here. If you’re not familiar with Dashboard, the GitHub repo is a great place to get started.A quick recap before unwrapping our shiny new features: Dashboard was initially released March 2016. One of the focuses for Dashboard throughout its lifetime has been the onboarding experience; it’s a less intimidating way for Kubernetes newcomers to get started, and by showing multiple resources at once, it provides contextualization lacking in kubectl (the CLI). After that initial release though, the product team realized that fine-tuning for a beginner audience was getting ahead of ourselves: there were still fundamental product requirements that Dashboard needed to satisfy in order to have a productive UX to onboard new users too. That became our mission for this release: closing the gap between Dashboard and kubectl by showing more resources, leveraging a web UI’s strengths in monitoring and troubleshooting, and architecting this all in a user friendly way.Monitoring GraphsReal time visualization is a strength that UI’s have over CLI’s, and with 1.4 we’re happy to capitalize on that capability with the introduction of real-time CPU and memory usage graphs for all workloads running on your cluster. Even with the numerous third-party solutions for monitoring, Dashboard should include at least some basic out-of-the box functionality in this area. Next up on the roadmap for graphs is extending the timespan the graph represents, adding drill-down capabilities to reveal more details, and improving the UX of correlating data between different graphs.LogsBased on user research with Kubernetes’ predecessor Borg and continued community feedback, we know logs are tremendously important to users. For this reason we’re constantly looking for ways to improve these features in Dashboard. This release includes a fix for an issue wherein large numbers of logs would crash the system, as well as the introduction of the ability to view logs by date.Showing More ResourcesThe previous release brought all workloads to Dashboard: Pods, Pet Sets, Daemon Sets, Replication Controllers, Replica Set, Services, & Deployments. With 1.4, we expand upon that set of objects by including Services, Ingresses, Persistent Volume Claims, Secrets, & Config Maps. We’ve also introduced an “Admin” section with the Namespace-independent global objects of Namespaces, Nodes, and Persistent Volumes. With the addition of roles, these will be shown only to cluster operators, and developers’ side nav will begin with the Namespace dropdown.Like glue binding together a loose stack of papers into a book, we needed some way to impose order on these resources for their value to be realized, so one of the features we’re most excited to announce in 1.4 is navigation.NavigationIn 1.1, all resources were simply stacked on top of each other in a single page. The introduction of a side nav provides quick access to any aspect of your cluster you’d like to check out. Arriving at this solution meant a lot of time put toward thinking about the hierarchy of Kubernetes objects – a difficult task since by design things fit together more like a living organism than a nested set of linear relationships. The solution we’ve arrived at balances the organizational need for grouping and desire to retain a bird’s-eye view of as much relevant information as possible. The design of the side nav is simple and flexible, in order to accommodate more resources in the future. Its top level objects (e.g. “Workloads”, “Services and Discovery”) roll up their child objects and will eventually include aggregated data for said objects.Closer Alignment with Material DesignDashboard follows Google’s Material design system, and the implementation of those principles is refined in the new UI: the global create options have been reduced from two choices to one initial “Create” button, the official Kubernetes logo is displayed as an SVG rather than simply as text, and cards were introduced to help better group different types of content (e.g. a table of Replication Controllers and a table of Pods on your “Workloads” page). Material’s guidelines around desktop-focused enterprise-level software are currently limited (and instead focus on a mobile-first context), so we’ve had to improvise with some aspects of the UI and have worked closely with the UX team at Google Cloud Platform to do this – drawing on their expertise in implementing Material in a more information-dense setting.Sample Use CaseTo showcase Dashboard 1.4’s new suite of features and how they’ll make users’ lives better in the real world, let’s imagine the following scenario:I am a cluster operator and a customer pings me warning that their app, Kubernetes Dashboard, is suffering performance issues. My first step in addressing the issue is to switch to the correct Namespace, kube-system, to examine what could be going on. Once in the relevant Namespace, I check out my Deployments to see if anything seems awry. Sure enough, I notice a spike in CPU usage. I realize we need to perform a rolling update to a newer version of that app that can handle the increased requests it’s evidently getting, so I update this Deployment’s image, which in turn creates a new Replica Set. Now that that Replica Set’s been created, I can open the logs for one of its pods to confirm that it’s been successfully connected to the API server. Easy as that, we’ve debugged our issue. Dashboard provided us a centralized location to scan for the origin of the problem, and once we had that identified we were able to drill down and address the root of the problem.Why the Skipped Versions?If you’ve been following along with Dashboard since 1.0,  you may have been confused by the jump in our versioning; we went 1.0, 1.1…1.4. We did this to synchronize with the main Kubernetes distro, and hopefully going forward this will make that relationship easier to understand.There’s a Lot More Where That Came FromDashboard is gaining momentum, and these early stages are a very exciting and rewarding time to be involved. If you’d like to learn more about contributing, check out UI. Chat with us Kubernetes Slack: sig-ui channel.–Dan Romlein, UX designer, ApprendaDownload KubernetesGet involved with the Kubernetes project on GitHub Post questions (or answer questions) on Stack Overflow Connect with the community on SlackFollow us on Twitter @Kubernetesio for latest updates
Quelle: kubernetes