Voting with Docker: A little break from the election

You may have heard, there’s an election for president (and many other posts) going on in the US today. For those who already voted, who want a break from voting, or just want to create a new quiz for their friends, we have the Example Voting App. And we’ve even created a poll to help you figure out the best quiz to make.

Which Docker voting app face off would you select?
— Docker (@docker) November 8, 2016

The voting app was created to showcase a number of features of Docker:

Polyglot development environments: The app has Python, Node.js, and .NET code, as well as Redis and Postgres services.
Easy deployment of a multi-service app with Docker Compose.
Easy Docker Networking.

All this using a simple $ docker-compose up.
The Example Voting App has been really popular at Docker events like the Docker 3rd birthday, and in our Docker Labs repository, which has a lot of example applications and tutorials. And recently, Docker Captain Alex Ellis ported the app to Windows Containers using:

.NET 4.5.1
Microsoft SQL Server (2016)

So if you want a break from the election, check out our poll, clone the Example Voting App, and get started voting for something important like “Vi vs Emacs” or “Python 2.x vs Python 3.0” or whatever else you want. And if you want a bit more information, check out our beginner lab on Docker Labs.
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